Core Competencies

Pack Play 180: Volunteer Pack                                                                          

In creating Pack Play 180, the after school program in which The Sport Management Club at NC State University goes to Bugg Elementary School in Raleigh, North Carolina for approximately an hour of fun and cooperative games while at the same time forming relationships with the students of the school, volunteers needed a lesson plan or go-to guide for each week. Therefore, I came up with this simple but useful Volunteer Pack; it is full of ideas, plans, supply list, and even guidelines for future Pack Players to abide by. There are two links provided here, one for the fall semester and one the spring semester.

Pack Play 180 Volunteer Pack 

smtlogoPack Play 180 Volunteer Pack 2


Marketing Plan for a Potential Grand Re-Opening

I had the privilege of interning the summer of 2014 at Winston Lake Golf Course, a municipal golf  course in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. During my internship, I had the unique opportunity to see the process of green replacement and installation while having the chance to document, with my camera, all of the changes taking place around this historic course. With that being said, I got to use this construction project and re-opening to cultivate a marketing plan, for practice to see just what goes into creating a plan to market a medium-sized, community event.

Marketing Plan for WLGC

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Fundraising for College Bound at Bugg Elementary School

In the spring of 2013, I had taken on the position as “Student Assistant” to a professor headlining the large spring event created for the purpose of inspiring elementary school-aged children from lower socio-economical households to attend college while bonding with college students. This program was awesome in that the elementary aged students got to spend time with college students, while the college students got experience in community event programming  for a specific demographic. As student assistant, I took on many “hats” from t-shirt co-designer to fundraiser. Here, there is a link to a letter I wrote to Papa John’s Pizza on behalf of the students in the Parks, Recreation, and Tourism department at NC State University as well as an original sketch of the day’s t-shirt.

Papa John’s Fundraising Letter for C.B.

Papa John's photo       College Tee