Community Engagement

Pack Play 180

562961_438651182887200_442665431_nThe objective of Pack Play 180 is to not only get elementary school-aged students practicing healthy habits early on in life, but to also provide North Carolina State University students (specifically Sport Management majors) with experience in planning and executing youth sporting events. Other objectives include bonding with youngsters also getting a break from the “hustle and bustle” of college life while doing something fun and fulfilling. Pack Play 180 is a creation of my own as I designed the after school program for The Sport Management Club at North Carolina State University as its community service aspect.

The program corresponds with NC State University’s schedule as well as that of Bugg Elementary School. The program lasts from around 3:30 to 5:00 pm on Monday afternoon, for about an hour of “Play Time”. We work predominantly with Kindergarten through 2nd grade-aged students. We teach them cooperative games along with other “less heavy” games which gives each student a little bit more than just outdoor playing time; games like “Treasure Hunt” teaches team work and strategic planning while “Cross-the-Ocean” gives them more time to run and burn off that pent up energy.
